
You have an INNOVATIVE IDEA and you need MONEY to implement it? Read here, how I actively support you...

Has your PROJECT MANAGER dropped out? Your AD-HOC solution you find here ...

Changes everywhere - Want to find back to FUN and ROCK 'N' ROLL in your organisation? Click here for the workshop...

Brigitte Rohner supports you to conquer new frontiers and to engage in solutions for the numerous societal challenges we face every day.

Brigitte Rohner . representing PUNKT . supports you with her creative, conceptual and practical thinking skills. She tackles problems and challenges by listening carefully to your concerns, clear and empathic communication and target-oriented collaboration. She captures the essence of a mandate and uses her sense of focus, efficiency and brevity, and her subject-related curiosity to achieve the goal in time together with national and international partner organisations.

"I give you the TIME for the things YOU're passionate about and excel at. Just contact me."

punkt international gmbh

Vögelinsegg 8

CH-9042 Speicher