funding application


PUNKT guides you throughout the entire process: Eligible Idea – Partner(s) – Application Development – Submission. 

PUNKT has worked with swiss-based and international collaborating expert groups, from academia, industry, and in cooperation with stakeholders in the sectors of healthcare, digital industry, mobility, wood construction and agriculture but also in basic research. The following examples show that it is worthwhile to develop a joint project in collaboration with experts from other specialist areas.

Great innovations of the future have been created: 

A Swiss-based consortium with focus on surgical education: 

PUNKT has conceptually and practically coached and judiciously guided an interdisciplinary and intersectoral team of 8 partners throughout a two-stage funding application process, working under a tight timeframe. We have developed a systemic innovation, interfacing different surgical simulators with a surgical society approved learning platform for data-driven surgical education for proficiency-based performance on patients and embedded the entire project in a business plan. 

An international group with focus on digital transformation in healthcare: 

PUNKT has brought strategic and conceptual clarity to the envisaged project, coached a team of 10 interdisciplinary and intersectoral working partners practically and according to the requirements of the European call, guided contentwise throughout the project description and submission process and provided the management, financial, dissemination and exploitation plans. Working under a tight timeframe we have developed a project that creates a secure clinical information platform for data collection, retrieval and evaluation in digital diagnostics and research for Rheumatoid Arthritis that is operating across the borders of healthcare providers and researchers in different countries to solve clinical and research questions.

An international group with focus on automated mobility: 

PUNKT has conceptually coached and deliberately guided contentwise and practically a 25 people interdisciplinary team throughout the entire project development process. We have developed a project outline and structure providing different highly and verifiably attractive and accepted seamless door-to-door automated mobility solutions for passengers and goods in Europe and to specify suitable regulations leading to autonomous mobility solutions targeting at a significant decrease of traffic in urban Europe.

An international group with focus on wood construction: 

PUNKT has conceptually and practically coached and judiciously guided a team of 9 partners from industrial and academic organizations content-wise throughout the project development and funding application pro- cess and provided the management, financial, dissemination and exploitation plans. We have focused on the development of versatile modular production units for deeply automated and customer-focused timber structure manufacturing with the goal to provide affordable housing in urban Europe.

An international group with focus on agriculture: 

PUNKT has conceptually, practically and contentwise coached and judiciously guided a team composed of 5 academic basic and applied researchers as well as an internationally operating industrial partner throughout the entire project development, description and submission process, and provided the management, financial and dissemination plans. Working under a tight timeframe we have developed a project for a radically new technology, a universal, robust apomictic breeding system, which can routinely be implemented in breeding and seed production of commercial crop species. To do so, among others the Crispr/Cas9 technique is used. This novel breeding system gives farmers access to affordable, lower-priced seeds of high-yielding plant varieties on smaller acreages and gives all breeders and seed companies access to the new technology. The new business model developed for the use of the new technology creates competitive conditions that have the potential for greater diversification of market participants and the seed market world- wide. An added value with regards to the partly dramatically changes of climate conditions.

An international group with focus on non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNAs):

With the start of the activities in 2004, PUNKT practically and organizationally guided an international team of experts in the fields of microbial pathogenicity, RNA biology, biochemistry and computational biology throughout the description process for a European funded project. It has been the time research on Crispr has started in this team. We have developed a project to understand, how the regulatory ncRNAs are integrated into the general network of control of stress responses, host adaptation and bacterial virulence and to identify novel targets for drug design strategies that can be directly applicable for therapeutic purposes to combat bacterial infections. This project in the then young research field of ncRNAs initiated numerous scientific careers and highest endowed prizes. 

More references see here.

PUNKT is happy to answer your questions and sends you a quotation tailored to your needs. Just send your questions and needs to

Chose the module of your needs:

Closing the Gaps Funding Application

Prerequisite for Workshop 1 – Funding Application: 

  • PUNKT has evaluated your project idea,
  • You bring the background of the innovation, 
  • You have clarified the intellectual property situation and can provide a Freedom to Operate, and
  • You bring a few attractive pictures of your innovation.

Number of Participants: max. 3 representing key disciplines essential in the project.

Workshop 1  – Funding Application (one half or full day, depending the level of gaps)

  • PUNKT coaches structured, conceptual and practical, while we are integrating requirements of the funding commission and specifying the basis of your innovative project idea accordingly.
  • PUNKT guides structured, conceptual and practical while we are developing the basic action plan and define the key expertise and budget.
  • PUNKT coaches structured, conceptual and practical while we are challenging your innovative project idea on user-friendliness and international sustainability.

Results workshop 1 - Funding Application: 

  • A user-friendly project plan, including basic project description, action plan and budget as well as an abstract of your project, which PUNKT complies after the workshop to a project presentation to motivate potential excellent partners participating in the project.
  • Wish list of excellent partners needed to effectively and efficiently develop and implement the project. 
Partner Search

After Workshop 1 you are requested to evaluate the interest of the partners of your wish list for your project idea in a first email.

Note: This step might be time consuming, in particular, if your project requires expertise not existing in your network.

Virtual Meetings with potential partners:

  • PUNKT organizes the virtual meetings with each potential partner who has shown interest in the project after you have contacted him/her. 
  • PUNKT moderates the virtual meeting.
  • PUNKT discusses each contact together with you and consults when assembling the final consortium.
  • PUNKT adds additional ideas provided by committed partners to the project plan and provides a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that beforehand has been coordinated with you and possibly your legal team.
  • PUNKT takes care to timely get the signed NDA from the committed partners.

Results of all virtual meetings: 

  • List of committed partners to the project and signed NDA.
  • Updated project plan where additional inputs from committed partner are integrated.

Note: Now it is your turn to invite the assembled partners to participate in the project as well as to get the partners’ agreement that PUNKT is leading the project and funding application development process.

Fine-tuning Project Plan

Number of Participants Workshop 2:  The number of project participants, which is in most of the projects around 8 to 12 organizations, represented by researchers and developers.

Workshop 2 – Funding Application (one or two full-days, depending the level of project complexity and number of partners)

  • PUNKT organizes the workshop (in person or virtual) with the invited and committed project partners and presents the updated project plan as a starting point of the workshop.
  • PUNKT coaches conceptual, practical, structural and organizational while we are specifying the project details, including time and budget plan.
  • PUNKT leads structured when we are challenging the project plan with regards to the users’/customers’ needs.
  • PUNKT presents the working approach and next steps towards the development and finalization of the project funding application.

Results Workshop 2 – Funding Application:

  • Project plan is clear, well balanced, convincing to all partners and includes a long-term perspective.
  • Roles and tasks during the proposal writing as well as project implementation process for each partner are clear and agreed.
  • Project management approach is understood and partner contacts are known and timelines are agreed.
Writing Funding Application

Project Management & Contribution to Content

  • PUNKT efficiently leads and coordinates the project writing process using an agile working approach.
  • PUNKT coaches judiciously, creative and practical while partners are developing the assigned content and solves problems and challenges with target-oriented collaboration. 
  • PUNKT edits with a good sense for complexity and for keeping the common theme.
  • For EU submissions: PUNKT creates the text describing the application parts on project organization, dissemination and exploitation of project results in agreement with all project partners.
  • PUNKT creates the time and financial plan based on the different partner information.
  • PUNKT takes care of all administrative issues for an eligible and in time submission of the project proposal.
  • PUNKT submits the project application in time.

Note: PUNKT offers to be project partner for administration management.


A well-conceived and eligible funding application describing your innovative project.

punkt international gmbh

Vögelinsegg 8

CH-9042 Speicher